American Radon Testing Co. offers customers "radon test kits" which are simple and very inexpensive to use. These radon gas test kits should be placed and shipped back to the lab according to explicit radon test instructions included in each test packet.

These radon test kits are an excellent first step when considering a basement remodel or when children spend considerable time in a lower level room.

Feel free to contact us should you wish to decide whether you would like to conduct a self test or desire professional testing using state of the art radon test equipment.

3 to 12 Month Test $34.95

3 To 12 Month Homeowner Test Kit  -  $34.95 (free shipping!)

Includes Lab Analysis and Report!

This "Alpha Track" test kit is ideal for the homeowner that wants to obtain highly accurate test results over an extended period of time that includes extremes during typical seasonal changes, barometric pressure variations, ventilation changes via; heating & airconditioning, window & door openings, and fireplace use. All which can have a significant impact on radon concentrations.

This is also "the" test to use before spending in excess of $1,000+ on a radon mitigation system.

This  test kit includes professional grade test media, laboratory analysis, test results report and an indepth guide explaning everything you need to know about radon and what to do if your home has high levels.

CALL TODAY TO ORDER 1-262-522-0868

American Radon Testing Co. has a rating of A+

 with the Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin - 36 Years!